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Virtual Pan Programme Meeting 2021: Registration Open

Writer's picture: CanGene-CanVarCanGene-CanVar

Updated: Mar 5, 2021

We would like to invite you to the CanGene-CanVar Pan Programme Meeting 2021 taking place over two afternoons on Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th March (1:30pm - 5pm).



What's on the agenda?

Programme lead, Prof. Clare Turnbull, will introduce the five-year, CRUK-funded CanGene-CanVar programme, and provide an overview to date.

This will then be followed by two afternoons worth of sessions related to the programme themes, including talks, panel discussions, debates, interactive case studies and show cases of newly developed educational tools and resources. Each session will be chaired by one of our Patient Reference Panel members.


Session 1: UK genetic/cancer data collections: progress and challenges.

Talk topics include: PHE and NHS Digital National Data Collection (Dr Jem Rashbass), DATACAN (Prof Geoff Hall), Genomics England: National Genomics Reference Library (Dr Ellen Thomas), Connecting the dots - why effective use of the UK's genetic and cancer data collections needs collaboration (Dr Michael Chapman) and CRUK and trusted research environments (Simon Parker).

Panel discussion with the speakers: ​Please send any questions in advance to ​

Session 2: The ethical considerations for collection and analysis of genetic data.

Talk topics include: New 'notions' of consent to genomic testing and holding of data (Prof Anneke Lucassen), EPPiGen: The Ethical Preparedness in Genomic Medicine project (Prof Bobbie Farsides).

Interactive Session with Prof. Anneke Lucassen and Prof. Bobbie Farsides: Ethics case studies


Day 2: Estimation and communication of genetic risk of cancer

Session 3: Population risk profiling for prevention and early detection of cancer: utility of polygenic risk scores. Talk topics include: Cancer genetic risk, PRS and population screening: introduction (Prof Clare Turnbull); Real world experience and applications of PRS in breast cancer (Prof Gareth Evans); Polygenic Risk Scores combined with cancer susceptibility genes, CanRisk and BOADICEA (Prof Antonis Antoniou).

The Public Health Debate with Prof. Nora Pashayan and Prof. Paul Pharoah: Public health cases for/against PRS

The Motion: Implementation within the next 10 years of Polygenic Risk Scores for breast and/or prostate cancer will offer clear public health benefit

Session 4: Communicating cancer genetic risk: education for doctors and resources for patients. Patient decision-making and supporting resources: Breast Cancer Choices: How can an interactive patient decision aid be implemented in practice? (Dr Kate Morton and Kelly Kohut) and What matters to me, the patient? Before and after genetic testing (An Interview with Helen White and Caroline Dale).

Work force educational needs and resources: Improving how doctors communicate risk (Dr Alex Freeman), interactive session with Prof Kate Tatton-Brown and Dr Katie Snape, and panel discussion with speakers and representatives from primary and secondary care (Dr Katherine Joekes, Dr Ellen Copson, Dr Jude Hayward, Dr Imran Rafi).


How can I join?

The meeting will be hosted via Zoom. Please register in advance using the link below: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Where can I find the timings?

The full agenda and timings for the meeting can be downloaded here:



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